If you’re NOT Antifa, you ARE Anti-American

Cynthia Weinmann, MS
2 min readJan 12, 2021

The assault on the Capitol proved that for everyone.

Photo of Insurgents Attacking US Capitol 1/6/21 — CBS News

It only took two days after the attack on the United States Capitol building that threatened the lives of Senators, Representatives, and Vice President Mike Pence. By January 8th, idiots like Mo Brooks, Representative from Alabama, were sounding the alarm on the identities of the terrorists. “It was Antifa!” he cried. The fact that Brooks and others tried to blame it on someone else is proof positive they understood what they were after: overthrowing the government of the United States of America, and that it was wrong

Although soundly debunked in the mainstream media, this thought process works on Americans who don’t know what a fa is in the first place, and so swallow the Antifa worm hook, line, and sinker.

Hellooooo, people!

The United States fought in World War II (1939–1945) as an ally with Great Britain, France, and Russia. The allies won. They defeated their major adversary, The German Reich. The German leader, Adolf Hitler, killed himself while hiding in a bunker. Nazi Germany was a Fascist state:

Nazi fascism’s ideology included a racial theory which denigrated “non-Aryans,” extreme nationalism which called for the unification of all German-speaking peoples, the use of private paramilitary organizations to stifle dissent and terrorize opposition, and the centralization of decision-making by, and loyalty to, a single leader. (Source for this quote here)

Sound familiar after 4+ years of Trumpism? You bet.

But here’s the deal, Americans.

Our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents went to war, fought, and died to defeat Nazi Germany and their Axis of totalitarian Fascism.

They were Antifa. Every last one of them. The United States put the “anti” in Antifa. It’s called winning. Which we did. The “fa” part of it? They lost. Bigly.

They’ll lose this time, too. No matter how fa they are, we will always bring the anti to defeat them, their empty minds, hate-filled faces, and poop-smearing boots. The Capitol, as important as it is, is just a building. Senators and Representatives, as important as they are, are just people. America doesn’t live there and it is not just Congress. It is all of us — of every color and belief, who protect and defend America and its Constitution, the beacon of the free world. Here, now, everywhere, and always.

And we are Antifa.

